Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hausman productions Tv Channel is on air now ...!

Introducing to you: Hausman productions Tv Channel - The Netherlands

  1. We at Hausman productions (Hp) are proud to introduce to you our own Tv channel on the Vimeo platform. Since we are a Communications & PR boutique agency, we'd pretty much like this idea of showing our production stuff by one dedicated Tv channel 24/7
  2. And now - as a matter of fact - we're able to do a little more marketing with the Hausman agency as the ultimate subject or tool for personal Tv branding   
  3. So click on this web link to get a look-see and your chance to just find out what we're all talking about ;-)

Thank you ! ⌂ HAUSMAN productions, Saturday, September 7 - 2014.