Sunday, November 10, 2013

How we at Hausman deal with Best Practices ...!

- And, how does HAUSMAN actually relate to best practices in daily situations ? 

- Interesting question ! Well, we built up a lot of experiences over the years with How-to-Assess any emerging artist, musician, actor or dancer and his or her artistic capabilities. And during this process of assessing and whether or not we at HAUSMAN offer this particular person a management or any other contract we use the techniques of Best Practices to establish and solidly format an examination platform.

Especially, these BP techniques are useful for:
- setting up realistic personal expectations regarding our music or dance projects
- transparency during artistic assesments & other organizational processes
- action oriented decision-making
- effective coaching & person-to-person management

Triggered by this scenario and trying to seek contact with Hausman ?
Please forward your e-mail to: AvdSanden @